Their music is Irish/Folk/Punk/Rock-ish...and I dig all the instruments that you don't see everyday (i.e. banjo, accordion, fiddle, tin whistle, etc.)

I decided to skip out on the opening bands (as I really wanted a nap before the show...I am SOOO hardcore lol). Anyways, I got there and secured my spot at the top of the stairs. Don't know if you realize this, but I'm what some would call vertically challenged (read as short). If I did not stand where I was I wouldn't' be able see a thing. "Well why didn't you get in the pit against the stage Carolina?" The answer is quite simple....I have been there, done that, got the shirts...OH and I'm too old (and short) to handle concussions (from people falling on/kicking me in my head) like I once did...also, I like being able to breathe. :) Those were good times. (ahh how I miss you Gyspy Tea Room) *Fun fact: Flogging Molly was the last show I saw there...I think...but maybe it was The Roots. Whatever....My point being...all good things come to an end (right?) and my era of pits and being crushed ended awhile back.
I had a blast and even saw Ronnie, my friend/favorite bar owner/bartender, there. Even though I'm totally fine with going to shows by myself...it's kinda cool to see people you know and like, enjoying the things you enjoy. :)
The music also reminded me of my time in Ireland (over 10 years ago, sheez) and made me quite nostalgic. I love the Irish and pretty much all things Irish. If I wasn't Texican (Texan + Mexican) and I got to choose my background...might next choice would definitely be Irish. lol
Oh, and I saw The Who's TOMMY again on Tuesday...what can I say, it's simply amazing!
much love
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