Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do You Ever...

...try to communicate (phone, text, email, etc.) with someone (friend, one time friend, boy, girl, even family member) that you know will never respond? I do. I don't know is me just wanting to get things out...or a form of masochism (the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself). Not sure why I do this but, I think it's the part of me that always wants to try and still has hope. Or maybe just wanting to stay on someone's radar (even if it's probably best if I didn't). Maybe I should just totally write people off. (but that's a very hard thing for me to do)...but this can be done...all you have to do is focus on all the negative things about the person...but who wants to spend their time doing that? I sure don't. :)

Yeah this is a slight departure from the normal happy travel, concert, sporting event blog but not every day can be sunshine and lollipops. Just something (for me) to think about. Anyways, enough with the negativity :)

much love

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