If you haven't noticed by now, I am pretty diverse (some might say random) when it comes to music. Last night I headed back over to the House of Blues and saw Flogging Molly...Definitely one of my favorite bands to see live!
I was first introduced to them back in 2001 (I was living in Los Angeles) when they opened for The Mighty Mighty Bosstones at the Whiskey on Sunset Blvd. That night I was immediately hooked!
Their music is Irish/Folk/Punk/Rock-ish...and I dig all the instruments that you don't see everyday (i.e. banjo, accordion, fiddle, tin whistle, etc.)
The crowd was never quiet and never stood still. My favorite spectator sport was alive and well...Quality people-watching!! The mohawks, the extreme piercings, the hats, the ink, the kilts...all of it fabulous! ...much more entertaining than the Hanson crowd ;)
I decided to skip out on the opening bands (as I really wanted a nap before the show...I am SOOO hardcore lol). Anyways, I got there and secured my spot at the top of the stairs. Don't know if you realize this, but I'm what some would call vertically challenged (read as short). If I did not stand where I was I wouldn't' be able see a thing. "Well why didn't you get in the pit against the stage Carolina?" The answer is quite simple....I have been there, done that, got the shirts...OH and I'm too old (and short) to handle concussions (from people falling on/kicking me in my head) like I once did...also, I like being able to breathe. :) Those were good times. (ahh how I miss you Gyspy Tea Room) *Fun fact: Flogging Molly was the last show I saw there...I think...but maybe it was The Roots.Whatever....My point being...all good things come to an end (right?) and my era of pits and being crushed ended awhile back.
I had a blast and even saw Ronnie, my friend/favorite bar owner/bartender, there. Even though I'm totally fine with going to shows by myself...it's kinda cool to see people you know and like, enjoying the things you enjoy. :)
The music also reminded me of my time in Ireland (over 10 years ago, sheez) and made me quite nostalgic. I love the Irish and pretty much all things Irish. If I wasn't Texican (Texan + Mexican) and I got to choose my background...might next choice would definitely be Irish. lol
Oh, and I saw The Who's TOMMY again on Tuesday...what can I say, it's simply amazing!
This is how my favorite scene of The Who's Tommy Musical begins. Back in 1993 (when it came to Broadway) I officially became TOMMY obsessed. I wanted to know everything about it. I had the original cast recording (on tape), rented the 1975 movie repeatedly (I was 12 and didn't really own anything thing other than Disney VHSs at the time), had the book, saw the tour when it made it's way to Dallas a year later, had a hat (momma wouldn't let me buy the shirt as it said "touch me" on it lol) etc...OH! I even remember when the Hard Rock Cafe in Dallas had the Tommy pinball machine in the restaurant...it played Pinball Wizard and everything. I wanted THAT machine like you couldn't believe.
I had always loved musicals but I knew after the first time I saw it that my heart lied with the Rock-Opera.
Friday I went to the Dallas Theatre Center and saw their production of it and fell in love with it all over again. I found myself singing along to every word. (which was totally fine since it was super rockin' loud and the audience was encouraged to be loud as well) It was AMAZING! Of course the score is absolutely brill ant...but the cast they chose here in Dallas was phenomenal! I have seen tons of shows in this space and even preformed on it back in the day when I went to theatre camp there...but I have never seen the space look as cool it was Friday night. Wow! Is basically all you can say when the floor fills with water and then rain falls from the "sky" as well. Another thing that rally made the production was the band they had...they didn't just play, they were a huge part of the show. OsoCloso (the band) is from Denton and they ROCKED...hard! I don't know if you can tell, but I enjoyed it immensely...if you're in the Dallas area you show most definitely see it before it closes on the 28th...and I'll totally join you if you'd like. ;)
Saturday was another most beautiful day in the neighborhood. :) I am a member of First United Methodist Church in Downtown Dallas, and have been for something like 16 years...but I've been pretty M.I.A. for the last year or so (mostly due to work conflicts, but also from plain laziness...shame on me). Anyways, I got an email on Friday morning saying that they needed volunteers to help out at the Crossroads Community Services Center making food packages/bags for the people they serve in the area. I jumped at the chance to help out and possibly meet some new people...that also like to help out others. There was about 22 of us that showed up from FUMC'sUrbanLife group. (I guess I can say I'm a part of this now) And for about 2 and half hours we worked hard. (see shelves in background) I know what we did wasn't much...but I'm definitely looking forward to doing much more.
Sunday morning I was inspired to head back to church (shocked many a face there for sure). I was glad I did, as they were talking about how important music is to our Church and how much it adds. (don't know if you could tell but I kinda dig music lol)
Afterwards, momma and I met for lunch and did a bit of shopping (I should never do this, as I will mostly likely buy things lol ). Lovely afternoon for sure.
That night I headed next door to the House of Blues and saw a group who's songs just plain make me happy. Hanson. Yeah you read right. About 11 years ago they came out with MMMBop and have continued to make music ever since. I liked them way back then, and I (and the rest of the packed floor of the HOB) still do. They are truly great musicians on stage and also pretty great people off stage through a ton of charity work they do. (i.e. buying shoes for kids in Africa) Go ahead and laugh for liking them, I've gotten used to it lol...and yes at 10:45 they playedMMMBop and the crowd went wild!
Saturday: So last weekend was pretty darn rough for South Texas thanks to that force of nature called Ike. Most of Houston's power was knocked out and well Galveston was left under water. As far as my family and friends. Everyone was fine (physically). Lots of power lost. One roof lost. A tree on one house. And one house that was split in HALF by a tree. The main person I was concerned with was my great aunt Marlene. She recently had hip surgery and was moved to a hospital-ish type place during all of this. Luckily power was sustained by a generator. But it was so weak that she could not even move her bed up and down to get comfortable. I just glad every one's ok.
In Dallas we got some nasty rain Saturday but that's about it...and my mom and I had tickets to see Mamma Mia! the musical in Ft. Worth...so we went.
And it was pure fun and greatness! (as a musical based on the music of ABBA should be). Every time I go to see a show it makes me remember how much I LOVED doing theatre. The music, the dancing, the costumes, the cast that became family for a short period of time...I miss all of it. Unfortunately, the whole sports gig completely conflicts with me partaking in such greatness. (grr)
Moving on... Sunday my mom and I and friends, Debbie and Monica, decided to try something different for lunch. We ended up at the House of Blues for their Gospel Brunch. The food was pretty great...but the massive amount of it was a bit overwhelming. The band and singers were excellent and Monica even got on stage with them at one point. Good times....but definitely a once a year thing. (like I said MASSIVE amounts of food) Monday night I worked the last ever MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL game at Texas Stadium. It was a great game! Up until the very end you weren't sure who was gonna win. "How bout them Cowboys!" (Grandaddy would have been proud.)
Tuesday wasn't too special but it was new music and dvd Tuesday and that meant I took a trip to Best Buy during lunch and made a couple of purchases. (don't know that I've ever been in Best Buy without making a couple purchases lol)
I got the new Darius (don't call me Hootie) Rucker country album, Learn to Live. I really like it. I saw him (and the rest of the "don't call us Blowfish") not too long ago and loved them live. His voice is HIS voice and I don't think he's trying to BE country...there was most definitely country already in that guy. :)
Next up was the new Buckcherry CD, Black Butterfly. There last album, 15, was about my favorite Rock album of the last couple of years, Track 1 to Track 11. Yeah they're not really "kid" friendly...but as I have no kids...I'm good. ;) I was super excited when this hit the shelves (yeah it wasn't available on iTunes). And so far, so good. I dig it. I think it sounds best when driving down the highway with the windows down in this gorgeous weather we've been having. (You see here in Dallas, we only get about a week of actual "fall" weather.)
And last but not least, The Complete First Season of Pushing Daises on DVD. (yeah I'm not cool enough for Blu Ray yet). This by far was my favorite new show of last year. I can't wait to watch 'em again before the new season starts...I better get on that. ;) Wednesday...see post below.
Thursday night was great fun. I went with Michael, Monica, Eric and a couple other chicas to play TopGolf. (go here if you care to know what it is www.topgolf.com) I had a great time. I was pretty awful at the beginning (as my golfing past consists of the miniature variety...again thoughts of Grandaddy) but I think my "swing" (hack) got slightly better by the end...sorta. :) They also had killer sweet potato fries and yummy blood orange sorbet. Can't wait to go back!
So yeah, it was another good week of living life ...and I leave you with this...idiot...
Last night I had the pleasure of having dinner with my youngest sister, Brenda (17), my 2nd youngest sister, Lisa and her husband Eric (both 20). Everything was cool and we were goofing off by my truck as we were leaving...and then it happened. There was a moment in the conversation where I felt super old. LOL We had been talking about stealing things. (which we did not) and i used the word "gank." And my sisters totally just stared at me in confusion like I was crazy. "What's that mean?" And I proceeded to tell them that back in the day that's the slang i would use for to steal And Brenda was like, "oh you mean "jack."" "Exactly," I replied. And we said our good-byes.
Then last night I questioned myself. And wondered if I had made this word up. But this morning I went to urbandictionary.com and EUREKA! There it was...the definition of GANK:
1. gank To steal or take something that does not belong to you. "i didn't have money so i ganked it"
So I'm not crazy...maybe slightly old-er...and ok a little crazy but that's besides the point.
I even got back up confirmation from a friend of mine (thanks Jordan). This might be a Southern thing though as another friend (same age and ethnicity as Jordan) had also never heard of it. (thanks anyways Todd) :)
So I ask you...are there any words that YOU use/once used that Youngin's (as I like to call them) today might look at you strange for?
much love...as I go gank a piece of candy from the break room ;)
...try to communicate (phone, text, email, etc.) with someone (friend, one time friend, boy, girl, even family member) that you know will never respond? I do. I don't know is me just wanting to get things out...or a form of masochism (the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself). Not sure why I do this but, I think it's the part of me that always wants to try and still has hope. Or maybe just wanting to stay on someone's radar (even if it's probably best if I didn't). Maybe I should just totally write people off. (but that's a very hard thing for me to do)...but this can be done...all you have to do is focus on all the negative things about the person...but who wants to spend their time doing that? I sure don't. :)
Yeah this is a slight departure from the normal happy travel, concert, sporting event blog but not every day can be sunshine and lollipops. Just something (for me) to think about. Anyways, enough with the negativity :)
Hey there Family, Friends, Readers, and Other People that may be bored, :)
I'm back from a fabulous week at Vista Guapa Surf Camp in Jaco, Costa Rica and I just wanted to share my adventure. (mostly for my own benefit, while things are still fresh in my mind) Here goes nothing...
Saturday, 9.30.08, Day 1, Arrival Day After traveling for the most part of the day...in the rain... and stopping on the side of the road to see the massive Crocodiles under the bridge......we (Jaime from Washington, D.C., Katrina & Dan from Canada & myself) finally arrived at pretty much one of my favorite places in the world: Vista Guapa.
Alvaro, was there to greet us with a smile and a hug. I felt like I was just here. I was happy. :)
I headed up the hill and to my perfect room that was just the way I left it back in February. I unpacked and relaxed a bit in the hammock and the camp dogs (CoCo, Canela, Kumbia, and the rest) came to say hey.
Down the hill I went and my first amazing dinner of the week was had. We stayed in and had a barbecue at the camp. Alvaro grilled absolutely everything and everything was absolutely fabulous! Durby and Edwin (Memo) were there and I was super glad to see them again! I also got to meet the rest of the campers. SEVEN more girls! (I'm telling you males out there, if you ever wanna meet some fun, outgoing, chicas...Vista Guapa is the place for you! The ratio of 10 girls to 1 guy is a bit crazy lol)
After dinner, I headed back up the hill (I must say it seems much darker at night this time around) I changed clothes and headed back down the hill and 7 of us headed in to town to the Jungle Bar.
We got to the bar and 3 of us tried really hard to fight through the frozen tequila/salt concoction that the bartender tried to kill us with. (It was supposed to be a margarita...not so much) ...I gave up and went with the old standby of vodka/cranberry...can't mess that up too much can ya ;) Drinks were had... and pool was played... and we wandered through the bar and discovered a dance floor at the back, which no one seemed to be taking advantage of, bummer. Perhaps it was too early. We ended leaving about 11, as we were all pretty tired from either traveling or surfing today. Twas a good first night.
Sunday, 8.31.08, Day 2: At the moment, I am writing this from the pool with the ipod, "surfer girl" playlist goin'...not braggin', just sayin' :) It's about 9 in the morning and I just got done with breakfast. So much greatness was had. Fresh juice, fresh pineapple, strawberries, star fruit, etc. followed by blackberry wholewheat pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon, and queso frito. I'm not going to lie, the breakfasts here are are a major selling point for returning for a 3rd time....but I promise, the hill and surfing, does help to balance it out...kinda. :)
I woke up to the sun (at 5 this morning) so as it's nearing 10, it seems like there has been quite alot of day so far...but there is so much greatness yet to come...Surfing is at 1 and you have no idea how super stoked I am about that!
....And THIS is why I come...at about 1 o'clock this afternoon, I remembered quite clearly exactly why I am here. I love the ocean, the water, the waves, SURFING! The waves were ridiculous (and not in a bad way). There were a ton of them and they were coming so fast. I got up so many times...it was better that I remembered! Alberto helped me out for the most part, but Oscar (a new guy from Chile), also helped me out a time or 2. :) And man, was I ever thankful for the help fighting through the waves and the current. I did get nicked by the fin on my arm and at one point, the board went hard into my hip...can't wait to see what that looks like tomorrow.
After a great first day of surfing, we ended up in town at Los Amigos where the group partook in plenty of Imperial (a favorite local beer)...while Jaime and I had these amazingly HUGE blackberry/strawberry smoothies. (I'm convinced that anything with blackberries is amazing.) I also had this strawberry/almond/chicken wrap...good stuff.
A quick trip to pick up Red Bull (they don't have sugar free here) and gatorade, then it was back to the room for a much needed and enjoyed shower. The sunset is killer and the ipod is playing once again. :)
*I am writing this part from my hammock. (I must figure out how to rig the one I bought on my first trip down here when I get home.)
Tonight we had dinner at Jungle Surf Cafe. I like to think that I'm so not a fish person in general, but tonight I had the almond crusted mahi and I have to tell you...it was super tasty! And the massive amount of mashed potatoes that came with it were to die for. (Y'all are so gonna this this trip is just about food...it's really not...but the food is AMAZING down here...and I think people should be aware of this. :)
It's 9:30 and I'm completely exhausted...hence I'm going to bed...AWESOME first day of SURFING!!
Monday, 9.1.08, Day 3:
Happy Labor Day!
Back home, I am used to surviving on 4-5 hours of sleep…so when I don’t have to be up at 6 am…it’s still programmed in me. (boo)I went to sleep at 9:30 but then I woke up at 11:30, 3:30, 5:30 and then finally at 7:15 I couldn’t lay here any longer.I guess I feel like I don’t wanna miss and of the day…but I suppose this is a silly concept in such a chill place.
When I hit the floor this morning I realized I had this extremely painful bruise on the bottom of my left foot.I was like “What the heck??!!” Then I remembered yesterday I rode one of the waves all the way in then jumped off…right on a nasty rock.I forgot it was high tide…OUCH!
Poolage now…perhaps a nap a bit later .
Things to do if you’re ever in Jaco during Rainy Season (as told by Carolina)
*Shrimp Taco at Taco Bar…check
*Surf in the Rain…check
*Sleep with the windows open as the rain pours down…letting the breeze blow through the curtains…check
Taco Bar is a must do AND you can sit on a SWING!!! What’s better than that??!!
So surfing in the rain is like nothing else.I’m certain that it makes the waves bigger.At one point Alvaro was like, “Let’s wait for this big one to go by…unless you want to go for it?”I thought about it for all of half a second and replied, “I’m ready. Let’s do it!”Well…I didn’t exactly “ride the wave” per say…but I had an amazing fall on the way down…sooo worth it!
The rain was crazy…water coming at ya from all sides…Manta Rays flying and belly flopping everywhere!The waves were definitely rougher today and I got pummeled a few times (one time SUPER hard) and I’m pretty sure that I stepped on Durby more than once.But I (and Durby) survived and in the end it was totally worth it!
As the guys were putting up the gear, the rain got harder and harder…and at one point it was just plain chilly.
Back up the hill for a quick (needed) shower and one of the best naps EVER followed.It was dark and the rain was fabulous!
Back down the hill (in the rain). Then the four of us (as the other girls left this morn) were taken by Alberto to Rioasis, where I finally found my strawberry margarita…and it was greatness!We had a great time just chillin’ and talkin’ with Alberto.
Sleep was also greatness!
Tuesday, 9.2.08, Day 4:
Up at 5:30 and Jaime and I went to Hermosa Beach (it so lives up to it’s name) and watched Alvaro (and other surfers) do their thing.Such a great morning.I wish I could spend a couple of hours every morning just sitting on, standing on, swimming in, breathing in the beach…watching the waves come in and out.
Back for breakfast (I’ll spare you the details this time around).Dan, Katrina and I headed into town foe a look around in several surf shops. (I’m extremely impressed that I didn’t buy anything…self control does exist in me every now and then.)
After a brief check of the email (for momma’s sake mostly)we ended up back at Los Amigos and I had another incredibly large BerryBeach smoothie…again…yum!I then introduced them to Taco Bar.(Dallas so needs this establishment…and franchise opportunities are available lol)
I feel it’s only fair that I tell you about the not-so-great times in addition to the SUPER GREAT times…
Today’s surf session was a bad one for me.The water was super bumpy and thus my paddling left much to be desired.And my left elbow hurt something fierce.
Alberto helped me a ton today.I felt so sorry that since I had a difficult day, he did as well.I was on the verge of stopping to the day (as my elbow was pretty much throbbing at this point) but then I was like, “No.I refuse to quit.”So we decided (for the sake of both of us) I would just try riding the first break and the white water…most brilliant decision of the last 2 hours!!!Back to camp, up the hill, into the shower…yay. (3 showers a day are common these days…and the sand is black volcanic)
It’s 6:45 and I just got down the hill and here comes the rain…sometimes it’s just the little things.
Dinner at El Ray Marino with Alberto was another success…and WAY too much food for any one person.
The waves were pretty choppy for all of us…so we called it a night pretty early once again…still a great day!
*Interesting fact:
All the bars and restaurants in Jaco share one CD.
Tracks that are included are:
Black Betty~Spiderbait
Another One Bites the Dust~Queen
My Heart Will Go On~Celine Dion
Come Sail Away~Styx
Everything I Do...~Bryan Adams
I DARE you to prove me wrong! :)
Wednesday, 9.3.08, Day 5:
The wind and rain was kinda crazy but at the same time…peaceful.I woke up at 5 this morn and for about an hour I watched a crab work it’s way back and forth across my porch.Then I finally (physically) got up and headed down the hill (red bull in hand) and waited for Alvaro and off to Hermosa we went.
I wish could tell you that I caught the most gnarly wave and then as I bailed, my board came crashing down on my ankle…this is not the case.
This is my right ankle:
This is my left ankle after falling…in a hole...as i was getting back in the truck…after another lovely morning of wave and surfer watching.
Luckily, this is the day we do not surf.I can barely put weight on it.Hopping is about the only game plan I have for this rainy day.I have yet to make it back up the hill since the “incident.”But I’ve been alright hanging at the bottom of the hill…with the dogs…and watching Noe, Alvaro’s son play.
My ankle hurts…bad.The brightside is that I am scheduled for a massage in a couple of hours…till then I sit here on the porch...
...ice on the ankle...…doggie friends all around
…Mraz on the ipod.
…I had a fabulous massage this afternoon by Monsarat…I (heart) massages!
Why has everything thing been on the LEFT side?Rock Foot, Elbow and now Ankle.
The ankle seems to be doing a little better tonight…all hope is not lost!
I wrapped the ankle and they were so kind to drive me back down the hill tonight.(I tell the others I did the ankle thing on purpose so that they would drive us up AND down the hill…I am such a team player.)
Dinner at Jaco Taco with Memo where they quite possibly serve the largest fried shrimp (camarones fritos) known to man.
Back in my room…here I sit on the bed with a cold Smirnoff ice (they come in cans here) inside a pillow case…lying on my ankle.
Hopefully it’s better in the morning.
Thursday, 9.4.08, Day 6:
It’s morning and I’m ready to cut off, shoot off, something OFF my ankle!It is NOT better and in fact, I think it may be worse and twice the size it was last night.I see no hope for surfing today.Memo was most kind enough to pick me up at my room and drive me down for breakfast.So grateful!
At breakfast Alvaro decided that it’d be a good idea if I went to the doctor but first try the pharmacy.So Memo drove me to La Pharmacia where after about 5 minutes and 16 dollars later…the doctor gave me an (AWESOME) shot and pills and I was on the road to recovery! (Hallelujah!)
Back to camp (on this super rainy Wednesday) and a ride up the hill for a most wonderful nap.
Jaime and I headed into town to grab some lunch.We first tried a local place that was recommended to us…we ended up at Taco Bar…have I mentioned how much I (heart) Taco Bar? LolIf I eat there tomorrow, I WILL be buying a t-shirt!
After a stop at Los Amigos (Jaco’s version of Starbucks) …
…and a stop at the ATM (man, math is super hard when one is on vacation…hush! I heard that!) back to camp to get ready for today’s surfing…maybe.
Although it feels sooo much better, Alvaro and I decided it would be best if I waited one more day for it to heal a bit more.I was bummed but kinda relieved because if he would have said go ahead and try…I would have …but since it was also my leash leg…I was pretty terrified that I would damage it more if the board (with my ankle attached) went flying.
The rain has not stopped all day.And here I sit on the tailgate watching the others…the rain is starting to get harder and colder…I didn’t even get to surf…and yet I am SOAKED!But life is still good…I refuse to be negative this week.
Back for a hot shower and back down the hill in the rain…I gave myself an hour this time to get down to the bottom (as my ankle is still kinda sketchy). I’m pretty sure I wrapped the bandage too tight. (grr)I did make it back down and here I sit (with a Smirnoff in hand)…chillin’ with the doggies…in the rain.
Dinner at Juanita’s (with the sound of the waves crashing in the background) with Alberto.Tonight, another couple form New Mexico joined us for dinner.They’re originally from Texas.They repeatedly confessed their hatred for Dallas…I’m quite certain Dallas hates them equally as much!
Off to bed…nearly 10…I’m looking forward to making it an early last official morning…watchin’ surfers.So stoked..good night…with prayers of the ankle being super better in the morn!
Friday, 9.5.08, Day 7, The Last Day:
As soon as the rain stopped at 6am this morning I headed down the hill.This is my last day and I don’t wanna miss a minute of it!At about 7:30 Jaime and I headed to Hermosa with Alvaro for one last day of surfer watchin’.Waves were much better today and it was awesome to see Alvaro do what he does best. ( I even got to put sunscreen on his back…sorry Jaime.) lol
We got back to camp about 10:15 and I got my last, most awesome breakfast of Toastada Frances (French toast), scrambled eggs with queso y tocineta (cheese and bacon) y queso frito…GREATNESS!!
Ankle report:The swelling has definitely gone down but is now purple.It’s pretty ugly but I’d rather have it look bad than me not walking on it!
Back up the hill for my last nap of my vacation. (boo)(I think I’d be a much happier person in real life if I got to take a nap everyday.)So after 3 hours of glorious napping, I headed back down the hill…walking like a champ…and psyching myself up to try today’s (last) surfing session.
There was no Taco Bar today…therefore no t-shirt…next time for sure!
I got down the hill just in time to watch the guys and their excitement over Alvaro’s new board.It was too funny…kinda like Christmas with a new toy! :)
The ankle is wrapped and here goes nothing!
…That’s it! It’s settled.I will ALWAYS surf with my ankle wrapped!The Surfing Gods were smiling down on me and I KILLED it!I actually felt (and looked) liked I knew what I was doing.This was the absolute perfect way to end this week in the water!
Ankle report:I thought it was sand…but nope…it’s now BLACK!
Quick turnaround for dinner…or so we thought.We went to this place I’ve never gone to…Cocobongo.We got there and ended up waiting over an hour for our food to show up and then I didn’t even like what I got.But I’m so not hating…as this was the ONLY food of the entire week that wasn’t absolutely fabulous.Anyways, we left there and headed back to Rioasis from a few nights back.This was our first stop of our “bar hopping” adventure.(I also got pizza there so all was right in the world.)
Our next stop was Jungle Bar.This is where we were supposed to meet up with Alberto.After an hour of people watching (guys in boardshorts and local girls in barely anything at all…trust me on this) we decided to end our bar hopping…Alberto is a punk and never showed. ;)This was fine though, as I still needed to pack and I would be leaving Vista Guapa at 3 am to head to the airport.
We made our last trip up the hill and I said my goodbyes to Jaime, Katrina and Dan. (3 GREAT people I was glad to share the week with)
I successfully packed and even got a couple hours of sleep (I think).Memo was right on time and we made the 2 hour trip to the airport in about an hour and 10 mins. (I don’t even wanna know how that happened…I had my eyes closed the entire time.)
Alas, my wonderful week is done…but plans for 2009 are already in the works.