After seeing only one swine flu mask in DFW airport, Momma & I boarded the plane, and we were on our way! I was planning on sleeping all the way, but ended up watching the in-flight movie, He's Just Not That Into You. (Yeah I'm a sucker for that movie and ended up watching the whole thing.) The credits began to roll and we landed in Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada!
We headed to the taxi line...with about a couple thousand other people...also ready to begin their weekend. The line was ridiculous! It felt like we were waiting in line at Six Flags...a much cooler Six Flags of course. :)
We arrived at the MGM Grand Hotel

...dropped our stuff in the room and headed to our 10:00 pm reservation at craftsteak...OH MY GOODNESS! This was some awesome food. Of course I have to share lol:

Lemonhead Martini:

Cutest/Yummiest Rolls:

The Ribeye:

Chocolate Souflee & Banana Ice Cream:

Sorry it was amazing!
After dinner we began to explore the hotel and did a little bit of window shopping...followed by some actual shopping. :)
It was roughly 11:45 pm when the Dave Matthews Band concert let out at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and we were all of a sudden caught in a flood of DMB fans. (Think the wildebeast stampede in The Lioin King.) After the heard was gone, we headed back to the room where the most comfy beds ever awaited us!
Saturday, May 9th
At about 9 am I woke up and headed to down to the spa. It was packed. My massage was good but I must remember next time to request a dude. Checks just seem to be slightly weaker. Nonetheless, it was still good.
During my massage my awesome Momma went and found us a couple of chairs at the HUGE River/Pool. This was not an easy task, and I am soooo thankful she did this. Eventually I found her. I got us a couple of tasty beverages and got in the River...with my yard o "pink lemonade" and proceeded to do some great people watching. :)
After a couple of hours at the pool we went inside in search of lunch...and a Mavs' score. When we walked through the Sportsbook we were up so we kept on walking.
We ended up doing lunch at Rainforest Cafe. There we shared steak, ribs and shrimp. Another good meal. :) Back through the Sportsbook and we were now tied 33-33 with Denver. So...since I figured we were safe, I dropped my mom at the slot machines (after I played $20...I quickly foundout the addictiveness of the one-arm bandit) and headed back out to the pool...yard in hand.

At the pool I found a couple of cool sisters from Alberta, Cananda and hung w/ them as we laughed at boys from Seattle and a bachelor party full of Pittsburgh guys with a Groom from Lewisville, TX of all places!! I had a ton of fun til the sun went away and they closed that part of the pool...which was fine since I was shivering at this point.
I went back to the room where I found Momma...and foundout that the Mavs one point! (kinda glad now that I missed that game.) So, I laid down for a super quick nap that was much needed.
The MGM Grand Garden Arena was the destiantion of the night. Opening Act...Jason Mraz...followed by Dave Matthews Band!! (Which is the second reason of why I chose Vegas on this particular weekend.)

After buying the obligatory T-Shirt...we headed to our great seats and Mr. Mraz was already singing his first song. I could listen (and have listened) to his voice all day long. He just makes me happy. :) I wasn't the only feeling like this. When he sand "I'm Yours," everyone was on their feet and singing and dancing along. Good times fo sho'.
Next up...Dave Matthews Band. (a first for my mom) There was non-stop dancing...Momma got a kick out of this. I do love the DMB fans. They know and love the music. The vibe of the show was super up-beat...just the way I like it. :)
Momma left a little early but it wasn't because she didn't like it...because she most definitely did. It was just a super long day...
New stuff off the album coming out in June was also played and I am really looking forward to owning it! :)
Dave Matthews Band put on a great show and I was super glad and lucky in life to be there. I know this.
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