God Bless You Mr. President. God Bless America.
much love
Happy New Year to ya! Yeah, I know it’s about 13 days late, but nothing really exciting or spectacular to blog about until now. My Mom and I took a quick trip this weekend and had a great 48 hours…
Friday, January 9th:
Momma and I landed in
Here’s the AWESOME view outside my window…
Thought about going out tonight, but there’s just something about the hotel beds that you don’t wanna leave. :)
Until tomorrow…
Saturday, January 10th:
I woke up to a beautifully cold morning in
We found a bench at the corner of 6th & 52nd and watched the pigeons...
...and taxis.
Love the store windows!
Then we headed towards
Anyways, but before we found the NBA Store, we came to
Several times before we have been lucky enough to see “The Tree” at
We arrived just in time to see them cutting it down in to pieces. Kinda Cool!
It was lunchtime and we ended up at Gallagher’s Steakhouse where we had a fantastic lunch.
(thank goodness we split it…there was way too much savory greatness…they try to first kill ya with the bread…
…and then finish you off with a piece of authentic
After lunch, we had just enough time to drop my shoes at the hotel (such a fan of the Doubletree now…location is such a plus) and walked over to the
Here we saw the 2008 Tony Award Winning for Best Musical, In The Heights.
OH MY GOODNESS! The greatness that was witnessed! By now, I’m sure you’re aware of my fondness for the Broadway musical. This one, In The Heights, has definitely entered my TOP 5 Faves of ALL TIME! That being said, and the massive amount of musicals I’ve seen in the last 28 years, I will proudly show it from the rooftops (or here at my keyboard where the soundtrack is currently playing) that I LOVE this musical!
After the curtain closed and the lights came up, we headed back to the hotel to kinda figure out what was up next on the agenda. OH! Did I mention that it’s been SNOWING (actual SNOW) since about noon today! Crazy, beautiful, cold!
By this point in the day, it’s only 6pm so we decided to grab a quick dinner at the Hard Rock CafĂ©. (yes it’s touristy, yes it’s clichĂ©, but get over it I dug the one in Dallas and since that’s no longer in existence, I will go to any one of them that I am in close proximity to… I dig the HRC!) Well everyone else had the same idea for dinner.
But, with even a few minutes to spare, we arrived at the Imperial Theatre. For tonight’s main event, we saw Billy Elliot, with musical lyrics and music by Sir Elton John.
(I had the pleasure of seeing this in
After a few more “
As I had a few friends/co-workers in town working PBR at MSG, I wanted to go say hey. So I ventured out solo in search of their hotel about 8 blocks away. It was cool to see them but very random at the same time. As they had an early call the next morn, I made my way back to Doubletree about 1ish.
*There was only one casualty of the day. Because it was cold, I must have taken my gloves on and off about 20 times today. During one of those times I lost one of my rings. So if you’re ever in NYC and you find a gold and silver puzzle ring with a DIAMOND on it…its most likely mine. :(
Besides that…Such a great, supremely BRILLANT DAY! Good night!
Sunday, January, 11th:
This is our last morning in NYC. Grr. As it had been icy earlier this morn, Momma and I decide to forego
After it was over, we got dressed and packed and I ran down to the street one last time, in search of that “perfect” souvenir…success!
Back upstairs with Momma and luggage…out of the hotel…in a taxi back to La Guardia…the announcement for our flight just came over the loudspeaker…the flight is taking us back to Dallas…back to reality. *sigh*
much love