A couple of weeks back I had the pleasure of working Premier Designs (think Mary Kay but jewelry not makeup) National Rally in lovely downtown Ft. Worth. I actually look forward to this (slightly) every year mostly because I get to see people I only see once a year and it gets me out of my "cave" ...and this year into the "truck" (where the video production and such takes place). Overall, it went really well. And as an added bonus, I got to stay in out there in a hotel and didn't have to drive back and forth like in past years. (I know that seems silly but at 4 bucks gallon, there's no way I wasn't gonna take the room) :) And as a doubly added bonus, I actually got to have dinner twice with "the boy"...who just happens to live in said Fort. Of course, this is not "my boy" and it's quite possible that he will never be, but nonetheless, I enjoyed sharing his company for an hour or two as he introduced me to Thai food (which was quite tasty) and the art of the chopstick (which i used the entire meal...yay me! lol)
Up next...I worked an incredibly boring graduation...for an online college at the AAC...and why couldn't that have been online as well?
Anyways...then (directly) on to Superliga...where Santos took on Pachuca. I do love working international games. Their fans are awesome and the vibe is just so great compared to regular MLS games. (I still love ya HOOPS!)
And then Thursday came around and that meant...
Yes I went to concert of the Crue that is Motley. And I'm not gonna lie...I had a really rockin' good time. After a couple of encounters with some scalpers (yeah I was trying to get rid of my extra ticket...I know, I know, I should only buy one ticket to such things but you gotta be optimistic right?) I entered the Superpages.com-formerly Smirnoff-formerly-CocaCola Starplex-Center...(all that really means is that the parking cost me $15 and the the super weak margarita cost me $13 but whatever)...and man there was some people watching (one of my favorite spectator sports) to be had. So many observations....my favorites was that it is way too HOT, in July, in TEXAS to be Goth! (or in this one chick's case, poser-Goth...that seemed to have bought and wore the entire Hot Topic store lol). I am not the biggest Motley Crue fan by any means...my whole purpose in going to the show was to see Papa Roach and Buckcherry...two bands that I actually am a big fan of. So after seeing their sets, and also Sixx AM (Nikki Sixx's new band, that were pretty good as well) my plan was to leave after one song into Motley Crue's set. This didn't happen. I ended up staying about 40 mins longer. These guys ROCKED! The lighting and pyro was freakin' amazing and Tommy Lee...well he's smokin' hot! (of course he knows this) lol So I took a ton of pictures but being that I'm vertically challenge and with all the smoke from various sources, most of them came out blurry, foggy, with backs of heads and a ton of "devil" horns in them. But I know what I saw. ;) Speaking of what I saw lol...Observation: Mr. Lee has an incredible power over SOME women...that makes them take of their shirts. It was at this moment I stopped taking pictures lol...good times had by all...I found it most entertaining watching the guys (boys at this point of the show) and their eyes popping out of their heads. After this, I felt my Crue experience was complete and I left and beat the traffic...like I said, good times. :)
Friday rolled around and I joined one of my favorite people, Oscar, and a few more of his friends, for his birthday at Martini Ranch...of the ones I tried, the Wedding Cake Martini was by far my fave! Then we hit up Kona for their reverse Happy Hour...cheap food and drinks...yay! Observation: while waiting at the bar for others to arrive...inconsiderate smokers do not like the smoke actually in their face while talking to someone else, and therefore push the ash tray as far as they can from them, while holding the cigarette...I ask you this, what makes you think that I, a nonsmoker, wants YOUR smoke in MY face? Just a question...and thanks to all my smoker friends for not putting your smoke in MY face :)
Saturday, after hitting the pool, Momma and I saw...
SOOO GOOD! If it doesn't make you smile and want to immediately book a ticket to Greece...then I just don't know about you. lol
Sunday, the weekend ended with a 4-nil FC Dallas defeat over the La Galaxy and this guy ...sorry I just had to :)

Sunday, the weekend ended with a 4-nil FC Dallas defeat over the La Galaxy and this guy ...sorry I just had to :)
And last night, after taking advantage of half price food at Cafe Rembrandt, my friend Greener and I tried to see The Dark Knight at the IMAX theatre...sold out...so we ended up watching:
Stupid...but really funny!
So yeah all in all, a good couple of weeks...
Final thoughts... last night and today I've found/and have been found by some more old friends from elementary school on Facebook. (totally random, but I saw my principal, Mr. Dillard, from said time period on Sunday while out to lunch with my mom...he looks and sounds exactly the same...crazy) It's also so crazy to see everyone "all grown up" and see where they are and what they are up to. Observation: Lots of marriages, engagements, and babies for the most part. (Shout out to "new" old friends Stacey, John, and Chris!) I have no marriage, engagement, or babies...but I have an awesome t-shirt from CRUEFEST!!! What's wrong with this picture? lol
much love
Stupid...but really funny!
So yeah all in all, a good couple of weeks...
Final thoughts... last night and today I've found/and have been found by some more old friends from elementary school on Facebook. (totally random, but I saw my principal, Mr. Dillard, from said time period on Sunday while out to lunch with my mom...he looks and sounds exactly the same...crazy) It's also so crazy to see everyone "all grown up" and see where they are and what they are up to. Observation: Lots of marriages, engagements, and babies for the most part. (Shout out to "new" old friends Stacey, John, and Chris!) I have no marriage, engagement, or babies...but I have an awesome t-shirt from CRUEFEST!!! What's wrong with this picture? lol
much love