Everclear's new album...album of covers but i still dig it...Brown-Eyed Girl is quite possibly my favorite cover ever...go fig.
Stars Playoff Hockey...once you start watching you really can't stop still the game is over.
Vanilla Coke...i don't like regular coke...but there's just something about vanilla that just makes ya feel good...and I think it tastes better in the can than in the bottle...yes i'm weird :)
Jason Mraz...the other day I was asked: "If you had to have only one artist on your ipod (or whatever your music player may be) who who it be." I've thought about this for about a week and though a number of names came up...MRAZ is the one I landed on and would be quite content with.
Warm Weather...being that my game days are numbered...and I live in a cave for most of the day...my favorite thing to do after work will be to hang by the pool...being that there is NO beach in site.
Dancing with the Stars...Kristi Yamaguchi is freakin' amazing and Marissa Jaret Winokur makes me want to dance again...and again :)
Long Way Round...a couple years back I read this book and then watched the series and bought the DVD. Basically it's Ewan McGregor (there's something about that accent and that red hair that gets me everytime. ;) )and his buddy Charlie Boorman traveling from London to NYC...by way of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Alaska, Canada, etc...on motorcycles...so amazing...doubt I could ever even think of doing this...but it does make you think...definitely a must read/watch if yo have the time.
That's all I have for now.
*This is not a deep blog in anyway...and I was going to list things that I currently do not dig...but I'm in a pretty good mood today and I didn't feel like being negative :)
much love