So last night I went with 4 of my favorite people (Michael, Scott, Ben & Ty) to the Foo Fighters and my home away from home, the American Airlines Center. We get to our (awesome) seats just in time for Jimmy Eat World. The impressive thing about JEW is that they sound the same live as that do on CD. I've seen a ton of concerts and it's very disappointing when your "favorite" band or performer doesn't come off that great live. Not the case here. :)

So after they finished with "In the Middle," the lights came up and we realized that Dallas Stars Hockey Player, Antti Miettinen was sitting 2 rows behind us. Well it's no secret that I adore the Finns and finally got up the courage (with a slight bit of taunting from my fellow concert goers) to get my picture with him. He was very kind to do this. :) was pretty cool that we had better seats than a pro athlete.

Then came the Foo Fighters!

These boys know how to ROCK! The "in-your-face" numbers where everyone it on their feet and belting along are greatness.

But I have to be honest, I would love to see them play an all acoustic show. I could listen to that man (Dave Ghrol) sing "Everlong" all night long and be quite content. :)

They had one of the funniest "fake" ending bits. They went off stage and after about a minute or so a you see Dave backstage on the big screens looking at the set list and shaking his head that it's not over yet. He holds up one finger, as if to say "one more" and everyone yells...then he's like that's not good enough and goes through 2 and ends with that there will be 3 more songs and the crowd goes wild.

They come on and finish the show. Greatness! The only complaint I have...wait TWO complaints I have is that the was no "Next Year" in the set list and that Ghrol boasted about how they were going to play for 2 1/2 hours...well they were off by about 45 mins.
All and all it was an excellent show...good times, good people. :)